Paella Tips - Cooking Techniques
Cooking Techniques
Rather than a recipe this is a collection of techniques for the various stages I use to cook a meat based paella. When is comes to making the stock, there a several ways that this can be accomplished and I tend to use a "hybrid" way which I have found useful.
Some people make the stock (this is the most tradtional way) by first frying the meat, spices & sofrito (see later) then filling the pan almost full with water (with perhaps a stock cube) and reducing this back to to point where the rice is added. This is an excellent way of producing the stock as it is taking its flavour from the added ingredients and also the meat doesn't need to be fully cooked through as it is also being cooked in the stock too. This keeps the meat from going hard and chewy too ! - The problem I have is knowing exactly at what point the rice can be added.
The other method is to create the exact amount of stock for the rice separately and when the meat is cooked adding it along with the rice - This has the advantage of being quicker, but you are not taking as much advantage of the other flavours in the pan (Also you need to ensure the meat is cooked through).
The other method is my "hybrid" method which combines the above 2 methods which I will decribe below:
- Stage 0 - Before Starting
With whatever cooking method you are using, ensure your paella pan is level. This is because with all the liquid in the pan it will be near the top and will be difficult to when it this full or hot.
Once you get going the ingredients are added quite quickly so like all the TV cooking programmes its best to have all your ingredients ready !. Also have your stock prepared and kept hot before starting to cook.
For the stock I generally use a chicken & vegetable stock. You want to prepare 2 times the volume of rice if you are using for normal paella rice and 3 times for Bomba rice. (As a guide 1 Kg of rice is about 1 litre in volume - so its pretty easy !!). The stock needs to be quite strong and if you are making fresh stock you will need to season with salt. If you are using stock cubes, the stock will probably be salty enough . You can also infuse a pinch of saffron in a cup of boiling water at this point too.
- Stage 1 - Frying the chicken
Using chicken pieces with some skin and bone (eg chopped up chicken thighs) fry in the centre of the pan for a few minutes until they are browned. Then push them to the egde whilst you prepare the "sofrito".
- Stage 2 - The Sofrito
This is one of the most important parts of a paella and consists of a fried tomato paste (Don't worry if you don't like tomato - you will never know it's there !!). First fry some chopped onion and after a couple of minutes add a tin or two of chopped tomatoes ( I use a normal tin for a 6 person paella - and a large tin for about 10 people). Fry this very hard with the onion until it reduced into a thick dark red paste - Keep stirring so it doesn't burn, but reduce it right down.
- Stage 3 - Adding the other ingredients
When the sofrito is ready, mix with the chicken. Add a teaspoon or so ( for about 10 people) of sweet paprika (not hot paprika) and I generally add some chopped chorizo (some people will be gasping at this !!). I then add some green beans too. (In a traditional Valencian paella they also add white beans called garafon).
- Stage 4 - The Stock
Now is the time to add the stock using my "hybrid" method. Pour the exact amount of stock into the pan along with the saffron. Mix around with the chicken an other ingredients and then note where the level of the liquid is in relation to the pan (use the rivets as a guide or make a small measuring stick). Now add more water until it is about a centimetre deeper then before.
Turn up the heat an boil until the level of the liquid has been reduced to the original level. Taste the stock to ensure there is enough salt. At this point you can add a sachet of the paella spices if you wish.
- Stage 5 - Adding the rice
Sprinkle the rice as evenly as possible around the pan ensuring that all the rice is below the level of the liquid. DO NOT STIR THE RICE. Turn the heat up to high and boil for about 10 minutes until the rice starts to appear through the liquid.
If the rice is not as evenly dispersed as you thought, don't stir it, just pick a spoonful up with a large flat spoon (or paella skimmer spoon) and place it where you need more rice. Turn down the heat to medium and continue to simmer for about another 10 minutes until virtually all the liquid has been absorbed. Don't worry if the top layer of rice is still a little al-dente as this will be finished off when the paella is resting.
- Stage 6 - Creating the "Socarrat"
The socarrat is one of the most highly prized parts of a paella. It is the dark caramalised rice that sticks to the bottom of the pan. It's a little trick to get it right, but here is what you do.
Tup the heat to full for no more than a minute or so. You will hear the rice start to "pop". After a short time "popping" (30 seconds or so) then turn off the heat completely.
- Stage 7 - Resting
It is important for your paella to rest for at least 10 minutes. Cover it tightly with either foil or newspaper. If you want to decorate you paella with pre-cooked prawns and mussels, then this is a good time to add them so they can warm through.
- Stage 8 - Serve & Enjoy
Now your paella is ready. Bring it to the table in all its glory and remember when serving to scrape to the bottom to get the socarrat !!.