Ñora peppers are dried small, round bell peppers. They are known for their sweet, mild fruity taste, which can add depth of flavour and colour to stews, soups, cocidos and many other dishes.They are the main ingredient of Romescu sauce. In Spanish cuisine they are used much more than chili peppers. They give a distinctive wonderfully earthy taste to every type of paella and in particular, "arroz a banda".
These conveniently finely chopped Ñoras can be added directly to your sofrito or stock when making your paella. They can also be briefly fried in a little olive oil to "awaken" the flavours and then added to whatever dish you are preparing. Use about a teaspoon for about 4 portions.
This typical Spanish ingredient owes its name to a town called "La Ñora", in the province of Murcia. In a monastry near the town, some Hieronymite monks planted some of the first peppers which arrived from America in the late XV century and saw that drying the peppers in the sun lead to a product which didn't spoil easily and gave great flavour to their cooking.
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(Potential allergen ingredients shown in bold)
Net Weight
Noras Peppers